Blog Moved!

Hi there! This is Alisha Bee, the founder of this blog website. At one point, this was the headquarters online for Pollinator Support Movement. But now, this blog has moved! Please follow our progress and learn the latest bees information, by joining

See you there and Thank You for your support and readership. Love Live Bees & Beeple!

Alisha Bee with Bee

“You Can’t Do Nothing, Literally”

There is a lot of talk online and offline about how humans are on the brink of extinction, along with many other hundreds of species leaving existence each year. But no real worries, because brave people who love life will always end-up DOing the little things “at home” which are making positively major shifts in their own lives; making leaps and bounds within a short amount of time.

Changing Earth Again

Changing Earth Again by Alisha Bee (c)

FACT: Americans still dream of Mayberry

Have you ever seen or visited a faraway farmhouse that you LOVE? Or looked at a painting or picture of this timeless scene?  I wonder, what did you love about that “snapshot” of life? I have experienced several versions of farmhouses, and what bonds me to that reality is: the wholesome and filling foods which are grown, the wild animals which encroach, the simple peace and stillness of a natural setting, the clean water (assumption), and the sustainable designs which help the farmhouse to grow old and loved.

In my reality on this planet, the truth is evident… there is actually a ton of positive “farmlives” being lived. I see a massive shift already having occurred, and now every farmer’s little-big dreams are coming true in each moment. The truth is that sustainable “farmlife” investments are real and available to everyone. These lives are actually like portals into another dimension. If you know anything about rewards of stewarding safe and natural environments (which naturally protect and encourage pollination processes), then you are likely a fan of wholesome energy and nourishing foods, environmental beauty, natural mysteries, odd creatures, and otherworldly plant life.

Alan Watts and human relationships to life

Regarding our control and abuse of nature, it may be true that we cannot directly control what we’ve already done to change and stress the forces of natural Nature. And perhaps our collective consequences are left to education, planning, fate, chance, and technology.

“To act without feeling is to believe that your actions are separate from Nature. “You have to have space to be alone, as to not become a rubber stamp. The unity of man and the universe is not a loss or a merging of personality, in something impersonal. It’s more like the fact that when personality is known and experienced as an expression of the whole cosmos, then the person comes individual in the spirit of an un-carved block.” Alan Watts

I read once that you CAN’T control consequences, but that YOU CAN control your choices. And, you can make positive choices, to ensure that you’re experiencing the best-possible and most positively-charged results you desire. But, I’m NOT talking about trying to change what we CANNOT seemingly control. I’m highlighting my true love for the ideas which drive the DOers to create positive changes throughout life at all levels, and everywhere.

I believe that I meet people every day, who know for a certain that life is beautiful. I talk to a lot of “bee people”, and everyone seems to feel that Bees would be “fine” if humans weren’t around. Life would go on just fine without us. BUT, I do NOT want this. I want to live in harmony with Nature and Bees. I want to be an “US” with Nature, because I already feel that I Am experiencing this. I do not want this incredible gift of merging with all the life around me, to be ceased without necessity. In essence, just like you are obviously not going extinct today, right this very moment; and that I am not going to today either; then, I will simply not believe that the Bees are going extinct today either.

I am saying that — humanity and bees have one secret and MAJOR last card to play. Our card is a sure-fire WIN with endless gains for anyone on the team, and these GAINS begin with your own Positive Attitude Adjustment. Have you ever questioned why you are living the way you are, here and existing in a body that has a life, here on Earth? Since we only ever have a today, and then if I have my free will, instead I will that the Bees are going to adapt faster and allow us to work WITH them in a more honoring way. 🙂 If you’ve ever had the inclination to “save” something beautiful in Nature, then start with yourself, Wild Ones! I am not “just going along” with anyone else’s ideas here, and neither should you.

What if you could dream alive your dream reality?

We can literally and figuratively change any of our cultural collective’s negatively-projected fates, by very simple choosing and decided to re/train ourself (only) to accept positively-uplifting lifestyles. We only need each worry about ourselves here, because you cannot ever fully control someone else’s brain and thoughts and dreams.


“It’s one thing to be happy, and not know it. For your reflections in your life experience show you what you know, that you know.” Alan Watts

Do you BEE-lieve that you, personally, are actually real and living a mysterious miracle? What about the other people around you? Do you see them as real people living our their fantasy lives? How attached or detached are you from the experiences that would help you know if and how others are actually living their lives?

If we can choose to do something to improve our very own lives, even if it’s just to prove to a higher power that we love our life, then the energy of hope will always remain available to our ways of life.

We humans are SO beautiful, and SO connected to other life, and SO good at dancing!! We are SO good at researching and telling stories about what we learn!! We are SO able to cultivate health and teach each other about anything we need to know!!  So, great idea: how about we change any negative human race trajectory, just because we want to and because we can? Why wouldn’t we?? 🙂

Recently, a friend of a friend won the lottery. Another friend is newly cured of their cancer using food as medicine. I just signed a contract to produce a bees media edu-tainment program. Tell me then, how can ridiculously good news like this exist in a naturally negative future? They can’t! The now is positively positive, if that’s you’re thing! Being positively charged is definitely my thing, because life seems easier this way.

In regards to the range of “miracles” which happen each day, do you still ever feel negative energy in your body or mind? Do you notice that your thoughts become snappy or un-kind, and that you are actually mentally attacking yourself for not being perfect or smarter, or…? YES?! Well, YES!! You’ve done a great thing by catching yourself! This is a great awareness to have, so that you can CHANGE the way you’re feeling.

Letting loose of the negative knit-picking

What happens when the bad news that you’ve been given, ends-up being much less terrible than you originally had believed? For me, my body stops tensing, I stop holding my breath and actually start breathing, and I ultimately stop thinking negative and worried thoughts. In contrast to miracles, are you ever annoyed with feeling negative energy in yourself and as you hang around others? Are you exhausted from always talking (and hearing talk) about how humans and nature are f*cked beyond repair?

Do you want to become positive and feel more joy and calm? If you were able to, do you want to feel positive energy about the direction that you are taking our own life? Would you like to learn to more easily recognize the positive realities being lived within our own life and the lives of our families, friends, and local community members?

Let’s NOT allow each of our minds to become negativity storehouse which kill joy and human spirit, simply because we are thinking that something is “too whatever!” to actually be happening?! We must get out of our own heads, and begin to express our thoughts with those around us. Thinking is NOT as powerful as DOing something. We are so uber powerful as humans with massive brains that we can DO and process whatever we need to, or order to change negative trajectory.

Simple 3 Ideas To Adjust Your Own Negative Attitude (if needed)

Our human moods of nostalgia, of feeling emptiness after joy, and of experiencing the consequences of our choices, are all very important to us, as a global people, to experience. A philosophy of life which I like is that: If we don’t know the feelings of love, then we won’t know what it is that we love to feel.

Then next time you “catch yourself in the act” of being a sassy person full of zip and outward punishment, then do yourself a favor by performing this 60 second brain re/training exercise on yourself. This easy 3 step personal exercise can help you to re/gain control of your conscious attitude, by re/training your sub-conscious mind to identify and will love. (You’ll be like your own brain doctor.)

How about we really let loose and start dreaming BIG BIG BIG positive changes into reality?

Step 1) When you find that you are being negative, or if you are told that you’re being negative, just take a moment to stand UP out of your seat. Yes, what I’m saying is that you should first physically stand-UP. (If you are not already standing.) Just try it. 🙂 Great job! You are well on your way to liberating yourself from passivity and negativity.

Step 2) Hold or go and stand in front of a clean mirror. OK, now that you are standing looking in the mirror, stop checking yourself out, and just give yourself permission to look at yourself. Go ahead and muster a smile, and say “Nice to see you now.”

Final Step 3) Look at yourself, and watch yourself say the words: “It is okay for me to believe that my life can be healthy, fulfilling, and fun. I believe in living a healthy, fulfilling, and fun life. I am living a life of natural beauty, regeneration, and joyful awarenesses.” Come on… just try it. In fact, there is a long list of studies which show that “mirror work” changes your self-perceptions and helps you to realize your beliefs.”

To paraphrase philosopher Alan Watts: “There are Yogis who share ideas of what happens (energetically) when you’re a perfect human, performing as the ideal. In the human existence, there is a state of detachment which always will contains a little bit of resistance to achieving a perfect peace; there is a certain clinging, still. But, in order to stay in the body, a human must make mistakes. Otherwise, he would leave his body. It is the human perception of experiencing a touch of regret that life is fleeting. If you don’t, then you are capable of compassion to people that very much regret that life is fleeting.”

If you want a video example (because you are a video junkie like over 70% of Americans out there lol), then here is a good example of positively helpful mirror work prompts that can work wonders for healing negativity and uplifts you by changing away from your negative or “stuck” brain patterns.

Thanks To A Smart PSM Member!

Joseph Campbell Quote (c) All Rights Reserved

Joseph Campbell Quote (c) All Rights Reserved

Discounts For Growing Bees! And Thanks To A Smart Pollinator Support Movement Member!

Someone in the Pollinator Support Movement community just did a very good thing… they decided to take a risk and get personally-involved with growing “stingless” solitary bees! YES!!

When YOU finally decide to help repopulate pollinators in your immediate area, you are helping to keep your community and local gardeners eating and gardening.

Volunteer your money and your personal energy to this task, and get 5% off at when you use promo code alishabee2015. When you purchase, Pollinator Support Movement gets a product credit, so that we can purchase equipment for local organic farms who need the pollination help!

Bees are still dying faster than we can stop. Please learn more at There’s a lot to know.

5% off bees and bee equipment

Help grow bees + get a discount

To receive a (5%) product discount for bees you want to purchase for your garden, or for any products for growing solitary bees, visit the Crown Bees website and enter the special discount code “alishabee2015” at Crown Bees shopping cart/checkout area.

If you are interested in learning how to grow “stingless” solitary bees, then please consider purchasing your solitary bee growing products at Crown Bees.  Pollinator Support Movement fully supports the BeeGAP method from Crown Bees (Washington state).  As created by Crown Bees’ CEO, Dave Hunter, the BeeGAP method debuted just prior to BeeSWeek 2013.  BeeSWeek 2013 was held in June, during the Albuquerque Film & Media Experience (AFME).

Click here to learn about BeeGAP and growing native solitary bees.

When you purchase products (equipment) from Crown Bees using the discount code “alishabee2015”, PSM receives an affiliate credit… so that we can give away bee equipment to local gardens who need it!  This program is super-important projects to save and restore bees and the food supply chain.

Again, to receive up to a (5%) discount for all products for growing solitary bees on the Crown Bees website, enter the special discount code “alishabee2015” at Crown Bees shopping cart/checkout area.

Click here to join my vital community newsletter! Thank You! ❤

Click here to connect with me at LinkedIn! ❤

Alisha Bee

Alisha Bee says THANK YOU!!!

Why Businesses Must Bee-Friendly

Why I Believe That All Businesses Must Save The Bees Which Benefit The Communities Of Their Consumers

Written by Alisha M. Forrester Scott  |  Alisha is a writer, artist, and social entrepreneur.  And, she is a Creative Director at Sedona Advertising Agency (SAA). 

The original post found here, at Alisha’s Blog:

Especially in the economically fragile united states, if the bees continue to die-out so rapidly, I believe that free trade and doing “fair” business will not survive. There will be ZERO business if the real people like you and I lose public access to the nourishing foods that bees pollinate. Businesses of all sizes, and especially the businesses of government, must each save themselves (even corporate persons) by helping to save the bees and other pollinators. Businesses may save the bees in their areas if they immediately cease the usage of household, landscape, and agricultural chemical pesticides and insecticides. Most of these common chemical products are much too potent for “the good bugs”.

Insects which rely upon pollination for their food source/existence are being killed without grace by toxic levels of chemicals. Including, unprotected ground water, many natural resources upon which the eco-system exists are being extinguished and poisoned from these same chemicals. These same chemicals are also sprayed on national “conventional” grocery store produce. These chemicals are already proven by many scientific and health experts to be causing a myriad of pandemic health abnormalities in a wide range of humans all over the planet Earth.

“Do You Like Food? No Bees, No Food!” 

As Americans, to many inside and outside of our country, it seems that our citizens are under-educated about the human body and agriculture. We allow genetically engineered and non-nourishing foods to line our grocery shelves, and serve each other toxic fluoride water from our faucets. And, “offline” we do not riot about any of it at all.

Businesses are owned and managed by people like you, and like me. We are flesh and bone, and are ignoring the simple fact that our human bodies WILL DIE from diseases without the wholesome foods which bees pollinate. Business investors, owners, and managers should NOW AT ONCE help to save their businesses and personal legacies by saving their pollinators! Why businesses? They currently have A LOT more resources like money and land than all of the combined working-class people do.

Rainbow Astronaut concept (c) 2014 Alisha Forrester Scott

Killing Beneficial Bugs

Written by Alisha M. Forrester Scott  |  Alisha is a writer, artist, and social entrepreneur. 

Click here to view the original post at Alisha’s Blog.

My latest creative obsession (in a good way) is to make digital posters for online distribution out of images that I take. These posters contain thoughts and beliefs that describe my opinions and perspectives. In the last two days, I have released two posters promoting the message: “Ban Neonics”. My personal creative goal is to create a poster a day to help save the bees. So, what follows is my offering for today… hot off the PhotoShop press.

I have named this poster: “Killing Beneficial Bugs”. If you’d like to hire me to create a poster for your cause, please E-Mail me at My fee is $150 per poster — you provide the high-resolution image and words. And, to show my true concern for the pollinators, I will donate half of my fee to support the projects produced by Pollinator Support Movement (PSM), and list your name as a supporter (and poster design!) in an article on the PSM website.

"Killing Benefitcial Bugs" poster design by Alisha M. Forrester Scott

“Killing Benefitcial Bugs” poster design by Alisha M. Forrester Scott


Neonics is short for Neonicotinoids (yes, like Nicotine). Neonicotinoids are a synthetic neuro toxic current used MOST EVERYWHERE that crops and bugs are. Now, whether of now you are a “bug person”, it would only take you a couple of seconds to search online and figure out that, without bugs, you would die. Go ahead, research it. Frankly, the bugs that we NEED to be saving (as a global community) are food pollinators. There are a good handful of food crop pollinators that are dying FAST because of synthetic herbicides, insecticides, and pesticides. Either, we get our shit together and learn how to keep food pollinators alive, or, we face a few terrible consequences.

What kind of consequences? First, a majority of the vegetables, spices, nuts, and fruits that you enjoy purchasing in the store will NOT be widely available (or, at all). Why? Because the beneficial bugs (pollinators!) that are dying from the Neonicotinoids usage weren’t able to pollinate the produce and food that you want to buy. Next, natural and landscaped gardens all over the planet will fail; and Spring will cease to occur. And then, our bodies aren’t able to fight-off disease. Why? Well, because the foods that pollinators provide for us are the same foods that prevent our bodies from rapidly aging and decomposing.

My point: please join Pollinator Support Movement (PSM) — it’s FREE — and learn about how you can help to stop the sales and usage of toxic chemicals like Neonics. Thank You for reading and for your continued support.

Click here to see all of my recent “Ban Neonics” posters at my Behance portfolio.

Click here and here for related posts about posters.

Newsflash Poster

Written by Alisha “Bee” Forrester Scott  |  Alisha is a writer, social activist, and founder of Pollinator Support Movement PSM.

This has been a busy bee kind of week! Don Bee is still hard at work, getting enough signatures from Berkeley, CA, resident voters. If he succeeds, his ballot initiative to ban neonics in Berkeley goes to a vote this year! If he is short of signatures, he would keep working to gather signatures, and his proposed ballot measure would be voted on in 2016. Of course, I hope that Don gets enough signatures! If you are in the Berkeley, CA, or San Francisco Bay Area and want to help Don “Bee” somehow, please E-Mail to PSM at:

Personally, I think that one of my new favorite ways to unwind is to create a save the bees poster. In the poster shown below, notice the “fence” image? Well, I took that earlier today in Sedona, AZ. Tonight, I created the poster design. I realize that both my font and color choices are all over the board, but I was going for creative (no pressure!). Enjoy and please re-post the poster! ❤

Click here if you haven’t already joined Pollinator Support Movement (PSM). Thank You, and we really need to band together so that the planet’s bees and other important pollinators don’t go extinct!

Designed by Alisha Bee Copyright Pollinator Support Movement

“Newsflash Poster” Design by Alisha Bee Copyright 2014 Pollinator Support Movement

What is a Neonic?!

Written by Alisha “Bee” Forrester Scott  |  Alisha is a writer, artist, and social entrepreneur. 

neonics REFORM" poster © 2014

neonics REFORM” poster © 2014


It’s really dangerous to be a bee

“I’ve heard that bees are dying.  Why are bees dying?  Do we know why?  I’ve heard that mites and cell phones are the cause.”

Yes.  Scientists do know.  

The biggest manmade reason that pollinators like bees are dying is a chemical class called Neonicotinoids or “neonics”.

Stop Using Neonicotinoids

Can you even imagine no vegetables, spices, nuts, and fruits?

For bees and other pollinators, chemical insecticide products used in homes and crops all over the globe cause a variety of neurological (brain!) conditions which result in unnecessary death.  Honey bees, specifically, are dying faster than they can repopulate. Humans all over the planet must quickly take action in order to prevent unimaginable catastrophe.

About Neonicotinoids

Here are some facts about the chemicals, called Neonicotinoids (think Nicotine!), that are used worldwide on farms and in homes:

  • Very persistent in soil and water soluble.
  • Systemic pesticides applied at the root (as seed coating or drench) and then taken up through the plant’s vascular system to be expressed in pollen, nectar and guttation droplets (like dew) from which bees then forage and drink.
  • Systemics on food cannot be washed off.
  • Nicotine-like, neurotoxic insecticides that bind to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in insects’ brains.
  • Bees have a particular genetic vulnerability to these & other pesticides because they have more of these receptors, as well as more learning and memory genes, and fewer genes for detoxification.
  • Widely used on more than 140 crop varieties, as well as on termites, flea treatments, lawns and gardens.
  • Fastest-growing class of synthetic pesticides in history.
  • Imidacloprid is Bayer’s top-selling Neonicotinoid chemical; used to treat fleas on pets.

Click here to learn about the planet’s most common offending chemicals; found in your homes, offices, and on your pets.


* Psst!  Monsanto is involved with organic product labeling.

Click here to read more about the challenges of current commercial organic food labeling organization and policy.

Berkeley CA Ballot Report

Written by Alisha “Bee” Forrester Scott  |  Alisha is a writer and social activist, and the 2012 Founder of Pollinator Support Movement PSM. 

Perhaps you already read about Don “Bee”, and his contribution to the community and pollinators of Berkeley, California? Don, whose real name is Donald Hughes, has been working daily to get enough signatures on a proposed ballot measure that would seriously restrict and in some cases ban the neonicotinoid pesticide chemicals that are shown throughout the world to be destroying bees, and pollinators of all types.

You could say that Don “Bee” is the Bay Area PSM Collective chapter president. Recently, I added Don Bee to the list of approved authors for the PSM website (, and have invited him to post about his work and daily experiences. (You know, just in case I can’t cover it as quickly as he needs help with.)

To reach Don directly, or to offer help, E-Mail to:

If you would like to sign-up to be a part of the bee-saving collective known as Pollinator Support Movement, please click here.

Collecting signatures is energy-consuming work in Berkeley, CA

Collecting signatures at a farmers market is energy-consuming work in Berkeley, CA. Don is wearing his signature bee costume. He’s been known not to leave home without it.

The deadlines for signatures collection was originally May 5, 2014 (yesterday). But, Don says that the Berkeley City Council is supposed to be meeting soon, and discuss whether or not to allow Don’s proposed initiative more time to collect signatures.

When asked about his work, Don says: “Whether we get the deadline extended or not, we will still keep gathering signatures for the next election. We will pressure politicians and persuade people. We will not stop until neonicotinoid pesticides are banned.” 

Click here to submit an article that you think should go on the PSM website or FB page.

One of Don's original PSM community education flyers © 2012 Pollinator Support Movement

One of Don’s original yellow-colored PSM community education flyers © 2012 Pollinator Support Movement

More About Don

To properly say THANK YOU to Don for his incredible community work, I’d like to praise some of his other talents and projects. What I like about Don, personally, are his abilities to draw, and to talk to people into being peaceful. When I was living in the Bay Area, and attempting to launch Pollinator Support Movement in October of 2012, Don was THE FIRST PERSON that stepped-up to help. PSM is forever indebted to Don’s community organization and public speaking abilities.

Did you know that Don has OTHER names, too? It’s true! As an established black belt and instructor in Ninpo Taijutsu, Don is also known as Sensei. And, when he is performing in public as an entertainer, he is known as Dragon Master (“the world’s first Choose Your Own Adventure (series) rock and roll artist”). If you are in the East Bay area of San Francisco, CA, look Don up!

Don Bee with a beard in 2012 © 2014 Pollinator Support Movement

Don Bee with a beard in 2012 © 2014 Pollinator Support Movement

Contact Donald Hughes

Today’s PSM website stats

  • TOTAL READERS: 6,366

Inviting Your Personal-Business

Written by Alisha M. Forrester Scott  |  Founder of Pollinator Support Movement PSM

I am a social activist for the cause of saving and restoring bees and the food supply chain. I am a writer, artist, and entrepreneur with a large network of artist-run creative and professional businesses that have agreed to a collective project to save the bees. We are in the midst of linking assets, in order to launch a public art and educational collective. We will focus on creative storytelling, and sustainable educational systems development. I would like to talk more with other professional services providers about part of a possible crowd funding project. If you’re interested, please contact me at, or by my E-Mail to

Thank You & Sincerely,

Alisha “Bee”


Click here to see my creative portfolio at Behance.

Oak Creek in Sedona

Oak Creek in Sedona